Fairy Cave – Skirethorns

 Skirethorns is a small hamlet, near Grassington, in the Yorkshire Dales.  To the west of Skirethorns, a narrow lane winds its way up through Skirethorns Wood, and then through a gap in the limestone hills, to reach an area known as The Heights, with Malham Moor continuing further west. On the south side of the […]

Brandrith Crags – Rocking Stone

“Since bright the Druid’s altars blazed,And lurid shadows shedOn Almas Cliff and Brandrith Rocks,Where human victims bled “ (Parkinson, 1882)  The crags are split into 3 groups, and form an east-west line across the highest part of the moor. The eastern most group is the largest, and it is here that the modern OS map […]